November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020

Another Tasty Saturday Swap-portunity!
Snacking is a part of life for most of us. If we’re battling with health or weight issues, it can be a challenge to feel satisfied with your snack choices. So many brands of mainstream snack foods have made it harder because of the variety of flavors they’re producing. There are chips and pretzels of every flavor combination and create your flavor marketing campaigns to engage shoppers. It’s hard not to get wrapped up in the hype!

But, sometimes it is about getting back to the basics and creating your own amazing flavor combinations that will drive your satisfaction with snacking. If you’re craving something crunchy that packs a huge flavor, try roasting chick peas with a favorite blend of seasonings. Or, season some popcorn to add extra fiber to your diet. You can even boost your heart healthy fats and satisfy your snack craving with one small serving of nuts. A handful of almonds provides a delicious combination of hunger-satisfying protein, dietary fiber and healthy fats for a simple snack with only 160 calories per ounce.

California Almonds has some amazing recipes to try. So go ahead and spice up your weekend while you prepare some snacks for the week ahead! If you’re a fan of spicy things, then this Spicy Sriracha Almond recipe is for you! Sriracha rocketed from unknown Thai condiment to one of the most loved flavors! The base of this deliciousness is made from red jalapeños peppers, yet it is only moderately spicy compared to other pepper sauces.