September 10, 2020
September 10, 2020

Don’t forget… it’s Thankful Thursday!
2020 has dealt its fair share of blows to our world, but it’s not time to give up! Health facilities across the country are still dealing with coronavirus and difficult patient care situations. Teachers are back to virtual learning, in-person instruction (and worrying about safety while maintaining some semblance of “calming normalcy” in a classroom that is anything but normal), or a hybrid version. While both groups have trained for their respective professions, neither have trained for this extreme version. These are challenging times for all, so my request is for each of us to remain thankful and show that you are grateful for those around us serving our society.

All essential workers, law enforcement, emergency responders, and teachers need to be appreciated for their efforts to keep our communities moving in the right direction. We need to use our words to give thanks and show small acts of kindness to support those going above the call to keep society in motion. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Be the change you want to see! With so much negativity happening in our world, we need to find ways to counter it. I truly believe that random acts of kindness put good karma into the universe and being the type of person you want others to be has to have a positive impact at some point. Don’t forget to instill these principles in children also. They’re the next generation who will control the success of our world!