Skin Allergies
Skin Allergies

Skin irritation can be extremely uncomfortable and at times, embarrassing.
Though skin irritation can be caused by a wide range of issues, two of the most common types of skin irritation – eczema and hives – are caused by allergies. The most common skin allergy triggers include poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac, but skin allergies can also be caused by latex, cockroaches, dust mites as well as food allergies.

Below, learn more about common types of skin allergies.

Hives are itchy red welts or bumps that appear on the skin. While hives can be caused by infections, they’re largely known to be caused by exposure to allergens. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, hives affect 20 percent of people during their lifetime. Hives aren’t life-threatening but need to be treated seriously, especially if they restrict breathing.

An extremely uncomfortable, itchy condition, eczema affects between 10 and 20 percent of children and 1 to 2 percent of adults. A tell-tale sign of eczema is dry, red, irritated skin, usually presenting in the folds of elbows and knees as well as other areas. Eczema can be irritated by allergens like pet dander or dust mites, and can worsen in cold, dry environments. Eczema is known to run in families, especially those with histories of asthma or hay fever.

Contact Dermatitis
Symptoms of dermatitis include itchy, burning skin in the form of rashes or blisters. This condition can be caused as a result of exposure to metals, adhesives, nail polish, topical medications, certain plants and latex, as well as laundry detergents, fabric softeners and even shampoo.

If you’re concerned that you’re experiencing an allergic reaction on your skin, or if you’re seeking relief from uncomfortable skin allergy symptoms, visit your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan for symptom relief.
