June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020

It’s Thankful Thursday – time to check in on what you’re feeling thankful for this week!

For years, researchers have been publishing studies about the effectiveness of gratitude. It’s an intervention that produces positive outcomes in nearly every aspect of health and wellbeing. Practicing gratitude has been shown to boost immunity, lower blood pressure, increase feelings of optimism, lessen feelings of depression, improve interpersonal relationships, and help be more resilient in times of crisis.

Some ideas for fitting more gratitude into each day:
1. Say aloud 3 things you’re grateful for that day.
2. Start a gratitude journal to jot down little things throughout the day.
3. Say thanks to a partner, housemate or family member.
4. Focus on 5 things you’re grateful for when you’re upset or in the heat of the moment, to help you cool down.
5. Don’t forget to THANK YOURSELF for ways you’ve practiced self-care!
6. Stop and savor the positive moments (in the moment).
7. Send messages to 3 people each week (email, snail mail, social media, text or message) to reinforce why you’re grateful for them or something they’ve done to support you.
8. Even in the darkest times, try to find the silver lining.
9. Look to others and situations around you when you’re struggling for something to be grateful for, as it’s likely another hardship situation will help you to see the good in your own.

I challenge you to pick even 1 or 2 of these ideas to help you find ways to focus on the positives in your life and toward others. The benefits to your own wellbeing from this single exercise could be the difference maker!