June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020

Think more globally this Wellness Wednesday!

Let’s think about wellness of the planet. More foods than we care to admit are wasted in the US. This became even more concerning with the coronavirus pandemic. With the packing industry and supply chain disrupted, farmers who were producing at optimal capacity had to destroy their crops, harvests, and herds. They just had no way to sell to the public with a disrupted supply chain. That reality is long from over and the implications are far from known. But, each of us can do our part to help the planet recover by trying to limit our personal or household food waste.

We’ve probably all been guilty of not properly storing foods at cold temperatures. Raise your hand if you admit to trying to reduce waste by freezing extra servings. Keep it held high if you’ve forgotten to label it (date, what it is, etc.). You’re definitely not alone! I’m also guilty of buying in bulk, repackaging it into single meal servings to freeze, and then letting it fall to the bottom only to come out years later freezer burned and unidentifiable. Not a proud moment when I discover one of those gems, but I’m being real.

Check out this chart from the USDA that should help you determine optimal lifespan for various cold and freezer storage items. It is one small way to be better informed to do your best to reduce household food waste.