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Dietitians Dish – December 21, 2020

Sweeten the Holidays in a “Super” Way!

If you’ve never tried pomegranates, now is the time. Get them while they are in-season from September to January. They’re a delicious superfood, which is easy to add to your diet that will offer many health-protective benefits. Whether you buy a whole pomegranate and de-seed it yourself, or just the prepared seeds (arils) or 100% juice, all forms offer these benefits.

• Pomegranates are high in fiber and a good source of vitamin C.
• Pomegranates have no sodium, and as part of a low sodium diet, may reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

SELECTION – Choose pomegranates that are plump, round and heavy for their size.
STORAGE – Whole pomegranates can be stored in a cool dry area for about 1 month or up to 2 months in the refrigerator.
SERVE – You can eat the seeds (arils) or purchase 100% prepared juice. If you buy whole and de-seed, check out this video for one method to remove them with less mess:
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This fruit salsa makes a festive, sweet snack or dessert during the holidays. It’s a great recipe to add into your healthy new year also!

Holiday Pomegranate Salsa

Holiday Pomegranate Salsa


  • 2 gala apples, roughly diced
  • 1 cup pomegranate arils
  • 4 dates, pitted & chopped
  • 1 can pears, drained & diced
  • 2 Tbsps. chopped parsley
  • 2 Tbsps. lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp. champagne vinegar


  • Combine apples, pomegranate arils, dates, pears, and parsley in a medium bowl.
  • Dress with lemon juice and champagne vinegar.
  • Toss to combine.
  • Serve with cinnamon pita chips.

Recipe and image courtesy of Produce for Better Health Foundation
and Kristen Carli – available at