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Dietitians Dish – June 17, 2019
Cool Off with Frozen Treats!

Instead of buying frozen novelties that may be full of fat and sugar, or have a bunch of ingredients you can’t pronounce, it’s easy to create cool treats at home. All it takes is a blender, some fruits (and maybe veggies), dairy products, and your creativity!

Blended Fruit

Don’t let the big debate about whether plant-based beverages should be called “milk” scare you away from some wholesome DIY treats this summer! Use yogurt or milk as the creamy base for your cool treats. Whether you choose dairy products made from cow’s milk or a plant-based source is personal preference. Plant-based beverages are great options for people with lactose intolerance or a cow’s milk protein allergy. Instead of lacking nutrients, they are often fortified with some that are missing from the original product (e.g. calcium, vitamin D and potassium).

Peaches and Cream Pops


  • 1-1/2 cups dairy milk or plant-based beverage
  • 2 cups fresh peaches, divided
  • 3 Tbsps. sweetener (sugar, honey, agave, etc.)
  • 8 ice-pop molds (or small paper cups) and sticks
Peaches and Cream Pops

  • Place milk (dairy or plant-based), 1-1/2 cups of fruit and sweetener in a blender and puree until smooth. Finely dice the remaining 1/2 cup of peaches and stir to combine. Adding other small pieces of fruit is optional.
  • Pour mixture evenly into molds, insert the stick/holder, and freeze about 2-3 hours until solid. If using paper cups, cover each cup with plastic wrap and then insert stick through plastic to keep the stick centered.

Vary the flavors by using 2 cups of any fresh or frozen fruit or berries in place of the peaches.