July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020


Start your day with a positive thought or by focusing on at least one thing for which you’re grateful. Mindset is a powerful thing. It takes a conscious effort to focus on the positive for positivity to take hold. It’s much too easy for negative thoughts to take hold and become entrenched in our minds. We need to work extra hard and devote time each day to focus on the positive.

And, with all the negativity and darkness in our world today, it’s more important than ever to find the positive ways to shine a light. If the one thing you’re grateful for is a person, take a moment to tell them. Make a phone call, send a text or email, video chat with them, or simply drop a letter in the mail. Share what makes them so special in your life. Why are you thankful for them? A kind word goes a long way! It’ll brighten someone’s day when they least expect it. Plus, it’s likely to make you feel all warm & fuzzy putting a smile on someone’s face.

If you’re like me and love showering others with gifts to see their joy… then this task is right up your alley. But, if you’re someone who enjoys the receiving end more, then consider this my personal challenge to you. Start each day with a positive thought and make sure you spread it to others. Hopefully you will find your joy by making someone else’s day.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi – “Be the change you wish to see in the world!”