July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020

Does quinoa qualify for “superfood” status? Let’s investigate… it’s SUPERFOOD SATURDAY!

A one-cup serving of quinoa contains about 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. Although it’s truly a pseudo-grain, it is a nutrient-dense alternative to other grains like rice. Quinoa also has a high amount of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, which may protect against inflammation that can lead to chronic diseases. Iron and copper are also minerals present in quinoa that are necessary for normal body functions.

It is possible to overdo a good thing, so including quinoa in modest amounts is best practice. Don’t completely swap quinoa for all other grains in your diet. Find a balance to draw the benefits, without the unintended side effects of too much of a good thing. Some people can develop an allergy to a component of quinoa (Saponin) and have stomach distress when eating it.

This stuffed pepper with quinoa is a great option for a balanced meal containing protein, grain and veggies. Round it out by serving it with cut fruit and yogurt dip.
