May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Get into the habit of THANKFUL THURSDAY!

Distancing doesn’t have to mean you’re completely disconnected! You can pick up the phone to talk, text, or video chat with others. During this time of social distancing, make an effort to stay connected to those people who are important in your life. Share with your family, friends, church community, etc. why you are thankful that they are part of your life. The key to maintaining emotional connections is opening up to others, even from a distance! If you’re just not up for the sense of community, you can focus on what makes you thankful more privately.
START A GRATITUDE JOURNAL! Each day when you wake up, jot down what or who you are grateful for that day. And then, as you settle into bed at night, think about what happened throughout the day and find 1 thing that made you grateful or was positive about your day. Ending the day with this mindset of positivity can help you get to sleep easier and may help to ward off the negative thoughts that can disrupt sleep or cause insomnia. Getting adequate rest each night is another important way to take care of yourself that supports health and immunity.

FAMILY ACTIVITY: Create a gratitude jar. Each day, have every family member write one thing they’re grateful for (something or someone they appreciate, something that happened that day, etc.). This is a great way to stay positive during this difficult time and can serve as a time capsule for this historic time in life.