Dietitian's Dish

September 10, 2020
September 10, 2020

Don’t forget… it’s Thankful Thursday!
2020 has dealt its fair share of blows to our world, but it’s not time to give up! Health facilities across the country are still dealing with coronavirus and difficult patient care situations. Teachers are back to virtual learning, in-person instruction (and worrying about safety while maintaining some semblance of “calming normalcy” in a classroom that is anything but normal), or a hybrid version. While both groups have trained for their respective professions, neither have trained for this extreme version. These are challenging times for all, so my request is for each of us to remain thankful and show that you are grateful for those around us serving our society.

All essential workers, law enforcement, emergency responders, and teachers need to be appreciated for their efforts to keep our communities moving in the right direction. We need to use our words to give thanks and show small acts of kindness to support those going above the call to keep society in motion. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Be the change you want to see! With so much negativity happening in our world, we need to find ways to counter it. I truly believe that random acts of kindness put good karma into the universe and being the type of person you want others to be has to have a positive impact at some point. Don’t forget to instill these principles in children also. They’re the next generation who will control the success of our world!


September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020

Taco Tuesday
Whether you go traditional or experiment a bit, tacos are a great option for mixing things up and boosting your plant-based eating. Swap in beans instead of meat for a protein source. Beans can be a complete protein source when paired with corn. Vary your choice of tortilla (flour or corn) and choose between hard or soft shell options. Add some extra veggie servings with what you use to fill the taco or by swapping for a lettuce wrap. If you’ve got the time and like to experiment, you can make cauliflower tortillas to save some carbohydrates.

And, whether you’re going meatless or not, you can choose lean cuts of beef, pork, or chicken, or ground versions – just be sure to choose those labeled “lean” or minimum of 90%. A fish taco is another great way to include one of your 2 recommended servings per week of fish or seafood for their Omega-3 fat benefits. Who knew a taco could boost your brain and heart just by filling it with seafood!


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Dietitians Dish – September 7, 2020

Roast away your meal fatigue!

Now that fall is upon us, you’re likely to be looking for heartier meal ideas that will nourish and satisfy, without a ton of labor. Beef roasts can be a healthy addition to the dinner table if you choose a lean cut, trimmed of excess fat. Any cut of beef with “Round” in the name is very muscular so needs to be roasted or braised to make it tender. The “Eye” is a center cut, which typically has little visible fat. Lean beef can be part of a heart healthy diet, providing good sources of protein, iron, and zinc. It contains 10 essential nutrients, which are necessary to stay strong and healthy in all life stages. While a shift to plant-based eating is trending, beef still has a valuable place in a healthy diet.

So, if you’re looking for a weekend meal idea, or have time during the week while working from home to start a slow-roasted dinner in the oven, then a beef roast is a great option. The lean, eye round roast becomes very tender if oven roasted or pot roasted slowly at lower temperatures. You can search for recipes at

Since this roast contains 6-8 servings, you can also search for ideas to make use of any leftovers. Cook once to eat twice (or more) is my way of cooking!

Italian Beef Roast & Vegetables

Italian Beef Roast & Vegetables



  • 1 beef Eye of Round Roast (about 2 pounds)
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. dried basil
  • 1/2 tsp. dried oregano

  • 1/8 tsp. pepper
  • 3 medium zucchini or yellow squash, sliced (1/2-inch)
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp. dried basil
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved


  • Heat oven to 325°F. Combine salt, 1/2 tsp. basil, oregano and pepper; press onto beef roast. Place roast on rack in shallow roasting pan. Insert ovenproof meat thermometer so tip is centered in thickest part of beef. Do not add water or cover. Roast in 325°F oven 1-1/4 hours for medium rare doneness.
  • Remove roast when meat thermometer registers 135°F. Transfer to board; tent with foil. Let stand 15 to 20 minutes. (Temperature will continue to rise about 10°F to reach 145°F for medium rare.)
  • Increase oven temperature to 425°F. Combine vegetable ingredients, except tomatoes, in large bowl; toss. Place in pan. Roast in 425°F oven 15 minutes or until tender. Add tomatoes; toss. Carve roast. Serve with vegetables. Season with salt.

Recipe and Photo courtesy of the Beef Check-off and


September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020

Friendship Friday
With so many schools getting back into session virtually, that means parents and their support systems are being stretched to the limits again. There are no easy answers to heading back to school virtually or in-person. Every school is interpreting the guidelines as they see fit for their staff and students. And every parent is evaluating which of the options available to them is best for their family. However your child’s school year starts out, please take a moment to offer all involved some grace and forgiveness. Believe the best that what is happening will be the best for everyone in the long run. Off teachers some support and give the kiddos some extra hugs. We all need to be in this together to succeed!

And, if you’ve got the means to offer some emotional support to someone who is juggling these virtual dynamics, do it. Be a friend or neighborly and check in on those striving to do the juggle! I have witnessed Facebook groups popping up in my community to support others with kids in the same grade level, parents offering to help out working parents by creating small learning “pods” to help with virtual schooling. But most simply, I’ve seen people reaching out to help their immediate community – which is the best of humanity! In turbulent political times and where world events are out of our control, forging bonds with others is the best way to navigate troubling times. Strive to create a friendship where you didn’t have one before. There has never been a more important time in society for the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Make it a new habit to focus on friends each Friday. You never know when you’ll need a friend in return!


September 2, 2020
September 2, 2020

It’s Wednesday – What’s in Your Lunch?
It’s back-to-school time and whether your kiddos are virtually learning from home or back in their classroom, the challenge of what to feed them is always a reality. As parents, we struggle to find a balance between nutritious foods to fuel their mind and body, and ones they prefer which might not meet our standards. One bonus of virtual learning – If they’re eating at home, you don’t have to worry about packed lunch being traded! So often we wonder if the “better for you” foods we might include in lunch get eaten, thrown away, or traded. In an ideal world, it would always be the first option.

Enlist their help to prepare lunches and offer a variety of choices and guidelines for how/what to pack. Offer leftovers or bento-style mix and match items instead of a traditional lunchtime meal. As long as they’re getting something from most of the food groups you in good shape. Instead of the battle over sweets or treats being the hill to die on, make a choice to allow 1 SMALL treat with their lunch as long as they’ve served up most of the food groups from the options you’re comfortable offering.

And, check out our video for basics of building a good lunch that should give you some extra hints.