Dietitian's Dish

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Dietitian’s Dish – April 22, 2019
Fear Not – Eat more fruits & veggies… not less!

Does the annual “Dirty Dozen” list leave you wanting to avoid fruits and veggies? What the creators of that list don’t tell you is that reported levels are well under safe limits and the mere presence doesn’t mean they are harmful. Learn more at

Talk about confusing! Kale is #3 on the “Dirty Dozen” list, but it’s still a nutrient-dense SUPERFOOD with Vitamins A, C & K, Folate, Iron and other essential nutrients. A child could eat 7,446 servings in one day without any effect.* *Source: – Pesticide Calculator.

Don’t let the “Dirty Dozen” scare you into skipping fruits and veggies completely! Studies show that people who eat MORE servings have lower risks of:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Other chronic health issues

So, whether you choose conventional or organic produce, their protective nutrients are the same.

Did you know?

  • Baked kale chips and green smoothies are great ways to introduce kale.
  • It can easily replace spinach in other recipes.
  • Massaging kale leaves helps reduce the bitter flavor.
Baked Kale Chips

Baked Kale Chips


1bunch (1-1/2 pounds) kale leaves
1tablespoon olive oil
1/4teaspoon sea salt
1/4teaspoon ground black pepper
OPTIONAL: other seasonings to taste
1.Preheat the oven to 350˚F and set out two ungreased baking sheets with sides.

2.Rinse the kale under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels. Wrap the kale in another layer of fresh paper towel. Squeeze and unroll.

3.Remove the stems and roughly chop the leaves.

4.In a large bowl, toss the leaves with the olive oil and seasonings, then rub with your fingers to coat. Arrange them on the baking sheets without overlap.

5.Bake for 7-8 minutes. If the chips are crisp in the center, remove them from the oven and serve. If not, bake up to 5 more minutes, until they have crisped.


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Dietitian’s Dish – April 15, 2019
Easter dinner and beyond… Nothing left to waste!

When you plan a holiday menu, do you think about how you’ll use leftovers?
Planning is key to cutting back on food waste at home!
If you’re serving ham and veggies for Easter dinner, plan a weekly dinner menu
with new uses for the leftovers. Stock up on frozen veggies and canned fruit in case
there aren’t enough left to complete your intended meals the rest of the week.
Pick up canned pineapple and frozen broccoli with your Easter Ham.

Hawaiian Pizza

  • Cheese pizza (homemade or frozen)
  • Leftover ham
  • Leftover (or canned) pineapple
  • BBQ sauce (to drizzle)
Hawaiian Pizza

Omelet Rolls

Omelet Rolls

4ounces Neufchatel cream cheese, softened
3/4cup low fat milk
2tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4teaspoon salt
12large eggs
2tablespoons Dijon mustard
2cups shredded 2% Cheddar cheese, divided
Optional Fillings: Cooked ham (diced),
leftover roasted veggies (chopped),
steamed broccoli (chopped), steamed
bell peppers (diced), tomatoes (diced), etc.
1.Line the bottom and sides of a greased 15x10x1-inch baking pan with parchment; grease the parchment and set aside.

2.In a small bowl, beat cream cheese and milk until smooth. Add flour and salt; mix until combined. In a large bowl, whisk eggs until blended. Add cream cheese mixture; mix well. Pour into prepared pan.

3.Bake at 375˚F until eggs are puffed and set, about 30-35 minutes. Remove from the oven. Immediately spread with mustard and sprinkle with 3/4 cup of the cheese. Top with other optional fillings and 1 cup of the cheese.

4.Roll up from the short side, peeling parchment away while rolling. Sprinkle top of the roll with the remaining 1/4 cup of cheese; bake until cheese is melted about 3-4 minutes longer.