Tips for Finding Calm in a World that Always Wants Your Attention
Tips for Finding Calm in a World that Always Wants Your Attention

In today’s modern world, everything is striving for your attention, whether it’s the kids, cooking, cleaning, errands, socializing, apps, TV shows or more. With so much going on and social anxiety affecting many of us, it can be challenging to find the calm within life’s hustle and bustle.

While there’s no way to guarantee a peaceful, calm world all the time, we hope you can use our tips to help you stay focused on what’s important and achieve peace of mind.

Morning “Me Time”
Mornings can set the tone for the entire day. Pencil in some “me time” in the morning hours by starting the day with movement like yoga, walking or exercise. Or, try meditation, journaling or making a nourishing breakfast. You don’t need to do the same thing each morning, but making time for things that soothe your soul (even if it means you have to wake up a smidge earlier) will go a long way in carrying your mood and outlook on a positive note throughout the day.

Let Go with Lists
When everything needs your attention, it’s easy to get distracted or overwhelmed. An easy way to get all your tasks out of your head is to put them on paper. To-do list helps clarify your goals, act as a motivational tool and reduce anxiety. Write down all the tasks you need to get done, prioritize based on importance and urgency, then focus on checking off one task at a time.

Focus on Single-Tasking
Studies show multitasking makes us inefficient and more prone to error. Whether watching TV while eating, scrolling social media while watching TV or planning our days while doing chores, we’ve become professional multitaskers. Multitasking can cause anxiety, even if not in the moment. It also sends us the message that we should always be doing more. To let go of this mindset, practice focusing on one task at a time and allow yourself to be ok with not doing anything else.

Practice Mindful Meditation
Meditation involves training the mind to increase attention, awareness and achieve emotional calm. The practice of sitting and following your breath may seem simple, but its effects are far-reaching. Meditation not only calms the mind and body in the present moment, but when practiced regularly, it can also change the brain for the better. Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, turn inward, take a few deep breaths and meditate to reclaim your calm.